Sunday 8 January 2012

... About The Summary of Her Holiday

I was supposed to write out a blog update yesterday, but things got in the way (read: hidden object games. Have you played them before? I am addicted) , so here I sit today in my bedroom at 10:41AM banging this out on the keyboard.

The past few days have been fantastic; Singapore has been fantastic. We did stuff. Loads of stuff. When my friends upload photos of our adventure, I'll steal them or something and put them up here to show to you guys what a wonderful time I had. It was a pretty damn good trip. I think I learned more about travelling from my friends than when I was in Australia. When I was in Australia, I had the comforts of home (literally. I stayed over at a friend's place and her dad would drive us around) but in Singapore, I was completely on my own. Well, NOT entirely on my own, but I had two wonderful people to rely on and learn from! Go on, ask me how to use Singapore's MRT system. Whatever it is, there will ALWAYS be Dobhy Ghaut in the way. Did I spell Dobhy Ghaut right? In Singapore, I learned the true value of money (spending 79 SGD on shorts is not a very wise move and will subject you to mockery about your spoilt upbringings, but the more you know) and again, ask me something about money or money-related. I shall surprise you with my monetary smarts hitherto unknown. Shedding light upon my million-ringgit shorts, I avow to wear them every day like I do now with my favourite ripped khaki shorts until I get my money's worth. If it means not washing them for weeks on end, by the hammer of Thor, I'll do it!

Responsibility is also definitely something I'm going to try to embody within myself. Moments worthy of heart attacks have occurred under my watch. For example, I forgot to lock my locker containing my money and ALL THREE passports. I'm not making light of this or anything, but sweet mother of pearl, if something were to go wrong. Another thing: When you're taking separate flights with your friends, the golden rule is to know each other's flight number. I got my friend's flight number wrong and boy, did hilarity ensue. Straight from a sitcom. I waited at the wrong gate for my friends. Not only that, but I wanted to surprise them by doing something weird so I sat in the chair and posed ala 50's pin-up girl.
How YOU doin' ?

15 minutes and many gawking passengers later, only did I realise something was up and that I waited at the wrong gate when the last person to get off the plane was a hobbling old lady. I waited at C16, but they arrived at D70. You can only imagine the marathon sprint I had to do. By the time we met up, I felt like my heart was about to pop. So there you have it: responsibility, which I lack, will definitely be a huge part of me from now on. Count on it. I'll begin by updating this blog as regularly as I possibly can. Once a week? Twice, even. The possibilities are endless!

So many thrills and spills have been shared between the three of us in the five days of travelling together. Am I eager for more? You bet your boots, babydoll. If you girls are reading this: We're still on for Bandung, right?

Thin Lynn has thunk.

P.S. I realise that there are no pictures here. Forgive me, but I do not want to spoil the surprise that is to come as soon as I can steal pictures from my friends.
P.P.S. Had our holiday taken place during the summer months (not that it would make any difference to us Malaysians, but to you four-seasons foreigners anyway) I could've made a terrible pun out of 'summary'. Like 'summer-y'.
P.P.P.S. Sneak previews of my holiday can be found at J's blog, specifically this page:
Check it out; check her out.

Thin Lynn REALLY has thunk.

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