Friday 30 December 2011

... About Russia

Apparently, my blog is popular (in nouveau blogger terms) in Russia. I'm going to pour myself a glass of vodka to honour our fine Slavic friends.

Thin Lynn has thunk.

... About Shameless Self-Promotion

The other day I was chatting to a friend on Facebook and she asked me this: "Why do you shamelessly self-promote your blog?" The answers to that, my dear friend, are these:
  • I do not have a shred of dignity left in me any more.
  • I am much less popular than what I've managed to convince myself. (In my mind, I am a gorgeous cheerleader who sings with forest animals and only have to bat my eyelashes to get others to come hither)
  • This is only the first step to Internet fame. (although less-than-regular blog posts are not helping with my case)
Yes, readers. I am still adamant on keeping this blog. I am very sure that I have gotten only funnier since my last blog; and a good deal wittier, too.

Speaking of being funny, this is comedy gold.

On an unrelated note, how was your Christmas? Mine was the same (Read: Another Christmas spent at home and weeping over Love Actually while my parents attend any parties they have that night as popular members of our community) . With the exception of a surprise gift from my parents.

How do you do?
A chihuahua which they obviously hunted, had it stuffed and turned into a handbag for me. Parents could not have gotten any more creative for Christmas this year. Much like any novelty item they have bought for me without my knowledge, I like it. I REALLY do, but I still have yet to find an occasion that calls for a handbag in the shape of a chihuahua that couldn't even fit my phone.

But hey, I'm not complaining. Being a girl, I think it's one of the most adorable things I have ever seen and my inner socialite feels FABULOUS! Eat Tinkerbell (or whatever is your current pet), Paris Hilton. My chihuahua holds my money for me and if I try hard enough, it will - WILL - return my affections. One day; someday. I think I shall call my chihuahua Daisy. Not because of the flower behind her right ear that looks a lot like a daisy but because she just looks like a Daisy.

Before I part with you here, I believe I'm going to start doing regular updates the best I can. Probably on Fridays and/or Sundays. Shameless self-promotion on my blog obviously isn't very clever and gets me nowhere but any publicity is good publicity. Now where did I keep that sex video ... ?

Thin Lynn has thunk.

P.S. I will be in Singapore from the 3rd to the 7th, so I wouldn't be able to update on Friday. However, I can update on the Sunday after my arrival which will be ABOUT the Friday and we wouldn't have any losses there.

Thursday 22 December 2011

... About The Holidays

Goodness! Is it that time of the year again? Yes, that time of the year where people wait in lines, mess around with cellophane tape and paper cuts from wrapping paper, stand under mistletoe hoping for some holiday lay and, of course, take TAKE TAKE ! But enough ranting for now because the good people here at who work so hard to give you two inadequate-length blog posts are eager for some holiday cheer and are going to go on their well-earned Christmas break. However long that may be, we do not know but we'd probably be back some time around New Year (which wouldn't be very long) for more rants about whatever that needs to be ranted about, poor humour that do not deserve to be shared with the internet and more self-deprecating jokes that the Schadenfreude-istic Internet community seem to love.


Thin Lynn has thunk.

P.S. To some readers, you might notice that this photo seems slightly out-of-date based on the straight hair, the glasses and the braces. Despair not. It is not that I couldn't be arsed to take a new Christmas photo for you, it's just that - well - who has the time really?

Wednesday 21 December 2011

... About Her Thing

Sandwiches. They're kinda my thing.

Thin Lynn has thunk.

... About Her First Post.

Right. It has been three years since I pulled myself out of the blogosphere. Mainly because I have been busy for the past three years (read: I couldn't keep up with regular blog updates) . But let us not dwell upon the matter anymore. I have a new blog and that is all that matters; and this blog has a good title. So waste not, want not! I shall not waste a perfectly good AND relevant blog name and post at least once a month. I know I can do this blog thing regularly with as many fun content as I can come up with or whatever petty adolescent agonizing I happen to be going through. Whatever it is, I am pretty damn determined to be a regular blogger in a hasty act of claim-to-Internet-fame. Webby Awards, here I come!

Not now.



You know I will come. Just be patient. 

Thus I leave you all on a happy note. Here is a photo of a unicorn that I drew during my exams.

Thin Lynn has thunk.

P.S. Do expect photos. But not that many photos. But photos nonetheless. From Google.